Sunday, September 13, 2009

When in Rome....

When my mother goes into her kitchen, opens some cabinets, looks in the fridge, throws whatever she feels like into a skillet spiced with a little of this, and A LOT of that, you can be sure that in an hour or less you will be eating the best meal you've had in months. Hailing from Port of Spain, Trinidad, her taste palette was raised on fusion.  Therefore, I don't have the slightest clue as to why the Olive Garden is her all time favorite restaurant. She would kiss the cook and sweep the floors on her way out if they let her.  Whenever I ask for her reasoning, she always answers emphatically, "Oh, I love it there!".   So, I was pleasantly relieved when while in Boston yesterday, she declared Legal Seafoods as her late lunch spot of  choice. I personally don't eat in chain restaurants - unless being forced to by said mother - but I have to say, Legal did not disappoint.  On an incredibly busy Saturday, steps away from touristy Quincy Market and the Long Warf, our food arrived fresh, and surprisingly tasty.  I probably will never go to Legal Sea Foods again in my life, but in case any of you do,  take note - their signature drinks rock.  Although, I wouldn't recommend having any before taking the duck tour.