Friday, September 11, 2009

Born down in a dead man's town

I really like the American List found on a blog I read to help keep my husband abreast of some manly stuff, like slick boots and incredible wallets. It has obviously become harder and harder to buy domestically made stuff, but it's always worth checking the label before making that final purchasing decision. My father, an accountant for the IRS and a WWII vet, would neither accept nor buy anything that was not made in the USA. I vividly remember being about 10, and presenting him with a new pair of pjs one Christmas. After finding the tag that read MADE IN CHINA or some other foreign country, he abruptly asked that they be returned. Harsh, but he was onto something then, and he left a lasting impression on my insight into the global economy. A true Democrat, he was all about for the people, by the people. I guess I don't have to feel guilty about putting any excess savings toward a Rag and Bone purchase then - sweet.